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Whether you are buyin' or sellin' a home in Colorado, be sure to know your Radon levels!

Shangela The Furry Assistant

Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Wondering how a Radon Mitigation System works? We have answers!

This week we are honored to have CEO, Bryan Coy with 5280 Radon Mitigation explain to us how Radon Mitigation Systems work and keep you and your family safe. Watch click on the video below to learn more!

Whether you are buying or selling a home in Colorado, be sure to have a Radon Gas Pre-Inspection Test. Radon Gas is common in Colorado due to our high uranium content in our soil. It can easily be mitigated with the right company and bring the level well below the safe EPA standard of 3.9 pCi/L (picocurries per liter) or below. This week we are honored to have Brian Coy, CEO of 5280 Radon Mitigation who explains how the Radon Mitigation System works.

What On Earth Is Radon Gas?

Radon gas comes from the decomposition of uranium in our soil. Yes uranium. Are you thinking –you mean uranium – like radioactive stuff? Yes. In case you didn’t know, all the “man-made” radioactive items we produce come from materials from our own planet. So, it doesn’t come from outer space. We have been living with these things in our soil since the beginning of time. Radon is a natural-occurring radioactive gas that is often ‘trapped’ in common areas such as basements and subfloors (just to name a few) due to lack of fresh moving air. Radon is a heavy, odorless, colorless gas – much heavier that CO2 (which would come from your furnace). Radon functions much like an invisible liquid (due to its density) in that it takes the path of least resistance.

What Is the Risk of Radon Exposure?

If an area is not properly ventilated or mitigated, radon gas can build up. Breathing radon gas over long periods of time can increase your risk of lung cancer. That is why if you are buying or selling a home, and in particular homes with basements, you should take a Pre-Inspection Radon Test seriously. If you are a seller, the cost to install a Radon Mitigation System usually falls on you. Hence, it is wise to have this done BEFORE you list your property. If you are a buyer, be sure to pay extra for a radon test. If the level comes back above 3.9 pCi/L – you will need to install a Radon Mitigation System. NEVER FEAR! These systems are very affordable and come with excellent warranties. We recommend you contact a Radon Specialist such as 5280 Radon Mitigation for further information (details below).

How Does A Radon Mitigation System Work?

The system is installed in the lowest part of the home – such as a sump pit or below the foundation floor. Remember, that Radon takes the path of least resistance – so your technician will install the system in the lowest spot in the home (often below the foundation floor). A negative pressure is created with an exterior fan sucking the gas is to the exterior of the home. The vent extends enough distance away from enough from your home to minimize the risk of Radon re-entering your home. It is actually a very simple, and effective system!

If you are unsure about Radon in your home and/or need a quote, please be sure to reach out to a Radon Mitigation Specialist. We recommend Brian Coy and his team reachable at (720) 695-6677. Or visit their website: #chadwicksrealtips #denverrealestateprofessionals

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