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Loving what I do is about more than
the wins

The word “journey” can sound cheesy and wow is it overused! But, buying your new home or investment property can definitely feel like a trek whether it’s the ta-dah ending of a long-time-coming decision or the first step into a new city or the symbol of a new chapter in your life. Regardless of the “why” you are buying a new home, the emotions can be zippin’ like you’re on a roller coaster ride. Full disclosure, that’s what I LOVE about being a REALTOR – being a part of these big life moments, the hunt for that perfect place, and the wins. On the flip side, I also love that my clients know that I have their back. Even in the quickest and simplest home sale or purchase – it’s a process. Buying or selling a home comes with a lot of moving pieces and important details. Don’t get me wrong – the champagne poppin’ contract signings are awesome. But, what makes what I do so rewarding is when clients tell me they know they can trust me and depend on me to help them navigate the world of real estate.


Showin’ my real estate nerd

I started as an investor in real estate and my passion for learning about the story of every house lead to me expanding my skills in real estate to include being a Property Manager, Broker, and REALTOR.  In addition to being licensed to sell and manage Real Estate in Colorado, I have been a property investor for nearly 8 years, analyzing and speculating market trends.


I admit I want to know about every nook and cranny of a place and who’s owned it and the lives that were lived in that kitchen and that family room…


Now add you, the client, and your unique story and specific wants and needs and … boom I’m livin’ by best real estate nee-eerd life!


If I knew then what I know now

Before I became a real estate professional, I was a teacher. I taught ESL and Bilingual Education for nearly 17 years in the inner-city schools in the Denver Metro Area as well as in Guadalajara, Mexico; Hiroshima, Japan; Vienna, Austria, and Doha, Qatar. I noticed there were often classes about financial planning, but they never included real estate.  Now nearly 20 years later, I look back and man if I knew then what I know now about real estate, I would already be retired.  I want everyone I meet and everyone I haven’t met yet to know what I know about real estate. How fantastic would that be if we all knew the opportunities there are to grow wealth and create better retirement supplements through real estate? How cool would it be, if you knew before you bought your first place or your retirement home what financial options were out there? Who doesn’t want to know the real risks and rewards before you sign the dotted line? Yeeeesssss. I say, let’s all be real estate nerds.


I’d love to get to know you and of course aaaaallllll the details about your next dream home. Or, let’s chat about how we can team up and get you the best dollars and deal for the home or property you’re selling. We can chat on the phone or grab a coffee or cocktail.


Let’s do this, Chadwick

Meet my Customer Relations Officer and my best closer - Shangela:)



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Denver Real Estate Professionals
1123 Auraria Parkway, STE 100
Denver, CO 80204


All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intent to make any such preferences, limitation, or discrimination.



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