If you are self-employed and applying for a home loan, you will follow the same steps as everyone else. As you fill out your mortgage application, lenders will consider your credit score, debt amount owed, assets, and income. When employed by someone else, lenders can go to your employer and verify your income history and likely future earnings. When you are self-employed, this is not an option.
So, how do you establish income when you are self-employed? Ian Jouett (NMLS #320263), President of Louvier Mortgage Group, LLC (NMLS #1013945), explains, “Typically, self-employed people have a variable income year to year. Therefore, underwriters want to see at least two years of stable income through tax returns, bank statements, and assets.”
Regardless of your employment status, preapproval is a vital first step in determining what kind of home loan is right for you. Find a reliable lender who has dealt with self-employed clients so they can walk you through the different steps and manage possible hurdles to get you into a home loan.
For further information on home loan programs or mortgages, please contact:
Ian Jouett (NMLS #320263)
Louviers Mortgage Group, LLC
(NMLS #1013945)
Phone: (720) 851-1007
Email: ian@loansmartloans.com
If you have any questions about selling or buying a home, don’t hesitate to contact Chadwick V.R. Williams at Denver Real Estate Professionals. We are happy to be a free resource for all your Colorado real estate needs.
Chadwick V. R. Williams, SRES, CRS, GRI, SRS, Luxury Certified
Broker | REALTOR® | Property Manager